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Popis najčastejších príčin chybových kódov diagnostiky motora

Zoznam je z internetu a je všeobecne pre PSA / skôr Peugeot, ale hodí sa vo vežkej miere aj na C5.
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Číslo chyby Možná príčina a jej odstránenie
 P0002  Pre sid801/803, tento chybový kód predstavuje chybu vysokotlakového regulátora. V mnohých prípadoch bola nutná výmena vysokotlakového čerpadla.
Tento kód sa môže objavi aj v prípade príliš nízkych otáčok motora, vtedy môže by príčina v elektronickom EGR, ktorý ostane zaseknutý v otvorenom stave.
 P0011  Pre MM6LP; Skontrolujte problémi s teplotou. Príliš vysoká teplota motora spôsobí, že ECU začne znižova predstih.
 P0101  For EDC15C2, tento kód znamená:
- Prietok vzduchu nedostačujúci proti očakávanému.
Skontrolujte EGR ventil a jeho funkciu.
Prípad 2 - added by JuMeP. Pri teplote nasávaného vzduchu nižšej ako 17°C, skontrolujte prepínanie a funkčnos ohrievania vzduchu (ak je ním motor vybavený)
- Prietok vzduchu príliš vežký alebo nedostačujúci.
Skontrolujte prietokomer vzduchu / jeho stav. Taktiež skontrolujte potrubie sania.
 P0102  Pre SID 803, skontrolujte prietokomer vzduchu. Tento kód sa zjavý pri odpojení prietokomeru.
 P0117  Pre ME7.4.4 montovanom na TU5jp4; skontrolujte prídavný, 118 stupňový, prepínač. Skratuje tepelné čidlo. (Paralelne pripojené).
Pre MM6LP, boli prípady keď teplotné čidlo vykazovalo vežké hodnoty, okolo 140 °C. Pri takejto teplote sa zamerajte na ostatné kódové chyby, ktoré môžu spôsobi dlhodobé prehrievanie. Ako napríklad zlá zmes, atď
 P0136  For MM6LP as fitted to ET3 engine, confirm oxygen sensor failure by checking voltage across circuit. Should be approx. 3.8 volts open circuit.
 P0170  This fault code is generated as a result of long term fuel trim information.
For MM6LP as fitted to ET3 engine, this fault may relate to the oxygen sensor as early sensors were known to be faulty. However make sure there is no other cause of fuel trim being affected. Check for temperature problems. I have noticed that with excess temperature, the ECU shuts down the heater control of the Oxygen sensors.
 P0234  For EDC16C3; Possible causes:
Turbo failure
 For EDC16C3; Possible causes:
Turbo failure. This fault can be attributed to turbo wastegate calibration. No physical fault with component but incorrect setting of wastegate, causing over boost under certain conditions. This fault code is also generated by diconnecting the sensor.
 P0299  For SID 803; Check vacuum supply to controller solenoid, they have been known to leak vacuum.
I have seen an EDC16C3 system with a recked turbo.
 P0337  For EDC16C3 as fitted to 206 DV4td; Check for engine speed sensor harness damage. Harness retaining clip can be dislodged and the harness may catch the right hand drive shaft.
 For ME746 or similar, check the primary current very carefully. You may find you check the primary resistance and find no fault, but I have had incidents where the resistance was identical on all cylinders but the current whilst operating was different.
 P0380  For EDC15C2 and possibly other Pre heat systems, check for open circuit glow plugs.
 P0400  For EDC15C2 check for vacuum at EGR valve. Check for vacuum supply to solenoid valve and output from solenoid valve. The control duty at 99% sould be valve fully open.
 P0401  For EDC15C2 intermittent faults, check for water presence in the air filter, or some other similar obstruction. (Favourite after flood water).
 P0402  For EDC16C3, check for obvious causes including blown turbo.
 P0410  For MM6LP; this fault is often attributed to the auxillary air pump failing, usually by water ingress. Check the pump for water content.
 P0414  For MM6LP; Check the auxiliary air pump for siezure, usually caused by water ingress. Also check the fuse supplying it. (BM34).
 P0422  For EDC16C3, this fault relates to the particulate filter, Maximum number of aborted regenerations reached. Look for other faults which may cause this to occur. It may not be the filter.
 P0490  For SID 803; This fault relate to the Electronic EGR valve, which sticks after some use. It will probably require replacement.
 For AL4 gearbox; check the pressure sensor operation.
 P1110  For Sagem S2000, as fitted to TU engines; Check the MAP sensor, (dual function sensor), for oil contamination, usually oiled up after engine over filled with oil.
 P1138  For EDC15C2, as fitted to DW10 engines, this fault code indicates a power supply interruption to the rail pressure sensor. There was a modified intermediate harness supplied, which had to be fitted with a new sensor and harness retaining clip.
 P1153  For MM6LP, as fitted to EW10 and ET3 engines; Check motorised throttle unit and ECU software version. ECU download often required for this fault.
For ME744, this fault can occur after ECU download. Usually requires Throttle butterfly learning to be carried out.
 P1167  This fault code for AL4 is often generated along with P0745. It relates to pressure regulation and is very often caused by hydraulic block failure, usually caused by solenoid swarf. Make sure you have the latest Borg Warner solenoids fitted and software to match. The solenoids are included in the new hydraulic block assembly. Also be aware that the pressure sensor may be at fault. Unfortunately this does not mean the gearbox as a whole is not faulty, as the swarf damage very often causes the box to fail internally or the brake bands and gear bearings also wear and cause contamination. Depending on age and mileage etc. it maybe prudent to just opt for a new gearbox, especially coupled with 'slip' faults.
 P1291  For EW10D, SIRIUS81, check the operation of the high pressure fuel pump. This code seems to relate to failure. I have witnessed this fault, with the HP pump dropping pressure off, intermittently, and the regulator trying to increase pressure, as expected.
 P1327  For S2000P; check ignition primary pattern for excessive peak voltage and spark line too short. Should be greater than 1ms. This fault code is usually caused by interference.
 P1336  For TU5jp4 with ME7.4.5., check for Compression faults. I have witnessed, on more than one occassion, burnt exhaust valves on cylinder No.2..
 P1351  For SID 803, check the operation and output of the pre-heat control relay.
 P1429  For EDC15C2; Check the Exhaust differential pressure sensor. It has a habbit of becoming contaminated with water. Checks I have made show the following:
0.500 volts = 0.0mb / 0.550 volts = 5.9mb / 0.565 volts = 11.6mb.
 P1435  For EDC15C2, this fault code represents many different descriptions as you have seen. Check the additive tank for fluid level. I have seen this fault when the tank is empty even when the additive ECU says the minimum level hasn't been reached.
Early 406 DPX42 additive level sensor voltage I measured as follows: Presumed empty tank - 891mv, plus 2 litres - 827mv. Or > 1.8 Kohms is empty.
If you have to check the fuel cap sensor, the resistance is 149 Kohms cap on, 12 ~ 15 ohms cap off.
 P1446  For EDC15C2; Not too sure about this code, but I believe the term 'Wait' is a miss translation for 'Reached', which therefore corresponds to the level being too low. However the term 'Reached' is sometimes reported.. Check the level sensor resistance to confirm status. > 1.8 Kohms is empty. (DPX42 system). I am looking into this issue.
It seems there is approximately 100 ohms difference between empty and full, although the sensor only reports 'empty'. It uses a current compensation method for controlling level information.
 P1447  For EDC15C2; Check for inverted pipe configuration on differential pressure sensor or water ingress.
 P1458  For PSA systems with additional Heat switch, Component No. 1289 2v be connector, 118°C warning, as mounted on the heated water housing. The circuit is wired in parallel with the coolant thermistor.
 P1471  For DV4/6 euro 4 emissions; this fault code relates to the 'RAS', (Intercooler/heat exchanger), control solenoids/butterflies.
 P1641  For SID 801; Check the Piezo electric injectors. They complete the power stage for the ECU driver. If they are in question, they probably need replacement, even their capacitance readings are Ok. In addition, this code maybe attributed to the physical driver stage in the ECU, therefore the ECU maybe at fault.
In a case that I had with this fault code, the solution was to replace both the ECU and the injectors.
A more recent event, found the problem was caused by a single injector wire shorting to ground. (When I say shorting, it was approximately 2 MOhms to ground, which was caused by a slightly chaffed wire surrounded by moisture).
 For MM6LP I have found this fault caused by a software issue in the BSI. A hard reset for the BSI may sort it out temporarily.
 P1687  For Lucas DCN2 as fitted to DW8B engine in Partner vehicle, this code is geberated as a result of fuse number 2 in the engine fuse box being present. This is a hard fault code and will not clear. Remove the fuse from the engine fuse box (it should never be fitted), clear the fault codes. Disconnect and reconnect the battery, allowing the 3 minute rule etc.
Retest and read faults after connection.
 For S2000PM1 as fitted to TU3 engine in Citroen C3, check for harness problems. It may be necessary to replace the multi connector on the motorised trottle unit and delete the connector under the glove box, where the manufacturer has adapted from left hand drive. P2408
All the tank cap present sensors I've tested, so far, should read:
149Kohms = cap on, 12~15ohms = cap off.
 P2191  For EP6DT engine, this fault code has often been associated with Cam Timing.
 P2562  For SID 803; Check for turbo control vacuum supply, possibly too weak. Look at other solenoid valves for vacuum leakage. (Stable 750mb vacuum with engine running).
 P2563  For SID 803; Check for turbo control vacuum supply, possibly too weak. Look at other solenoid valves for vacuum leakage. (Stable 750mb vacuum with engine running).
 U0121  For MM6LP this code may appear after ECU Downloading. Usually requires reconfiguring or allowing to rest for an undetermined length of time.
EDC16C3, check for the ABS control unit configuration status. I have seen this fault as a result of replacement ABS ECU, but not configured.(Bodyshop)..
 U1118  For EDC15C2 as fitted to 206, this fault may coincide with instrument panel failure. If this is the case then check various earth points for the BSI and instrument panel, plus connectors on the BSI and then check the software version of the BSI. Should be V34.2 or higher.
 U1213  This fault code is usually generated as a result of diagnostic interogation of the ESP controller. At the end of the diagnostic session, the ESP controller issues an invalid data frame, which is interpreted by the DSG as a speed information fault. This is a software issue and not a fault.
 U1218  This fault maybe interpretted by the BSI faults log as a Cruise control system data fault, related to the injection system. This maybe due to data faults on the network, caused by software anomalies from, either one of the display units, or the BSI.
 For Bosch ABS/ESP with active sensors, this fault code can be generated for sensor or harness open circuit, or signal coherence. On 307's it is often caused by the air gap increasing too far due to corrosion under the sensor where it is mounted on the hub support.
 C1604  For the 'DSG' ecu as fitted on 407, this fault represents a failure of the tyre valve to communicate with the ecu. Check to see a new valve has been fitted by the tyre shop. If programming is required, make sure to inflate the tyre to above 3.7 bars. (I had to inflate one to approximately 4 bars to get into programming mode.

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Preklad: JuMeP

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