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 Forum / Car diagnostic system, navigation system, software / Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am]
30.04.2009 11:27 - Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660539
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
99 Send email
My 2002 c5 hpi exc se has the built in colour screen sat nav.
Problem is that it (gps map) thinks it is in Germany whilst I am in Madrid. The map moves as I do...
My system disc is ver 5.00 and I have heard that there is a newer version... but I am unable to find where to get one from (I have tried Citroen here in Madrid..but not much luck..and they guy said I may be better getting it elsewhere ... download from web).
Are there any checks that I can do to ensure the gps aerial is OK ?...

30.04.2009 12:17 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660545
City: Piestany, Car: Citroen C6 2.7HDiPosts: 17331

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which type of navi you got (RT3, VDO?)?
there is about 18 pages about it, if we know what you have, we can send you some links

30.04.2009 14:40 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660546
City: Hostovlice, Car: Citroën C5 III (X7) 2.2 HDi 16V 204k (150kW) TourerPosts: 1279

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jumep, i suppose he has VDO, since he has C5 I.

kelly, in the menu of the navigation, there is option Geographical Information. Go there and you should see your GPS coordinates. Then you will need another GPS device which can show you the coordinates and you can compare them. This is the way, how to check if the GPS working correct.

No other ideas ...

30.04.2009 20:36 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660550
City: Piestany, Car: Citroen C6 2.7HDiPosts: 17331

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i was asking in case of trying fw update and as we know, wrong update is possible only 1 time
but yes - try to compare gps coordinates with another device

01.05.2009 09:58 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660554
City: Praha, Car: Posts: 1827
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VDO is safe It will not accept incorrect CD, sometime it not accepting even correct CD + there is very good autorecovery functionality - i test it myself ...

04.05.2009 14:46 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660610
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
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Hi All

I see that my original post has some replies.... BUT I am unable to view the replies : I get this message....
Can you advise ?

We are sorry, but this discussion:
doesn't exist
or you have no permission to read it
or you have to log in to read it
or this discussion is from different language (czech part of forums)

cheers Paul

05.05.2009 12:47 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 660648
City: Praha, Car: Posts: 1827
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sorry, small bug, should work now

09.06.2009 16:26 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661330
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
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Hi Everyone.. thanks for sorting out th ebug so I can now see the replies to the posts.....

my GPS is the RT2 VDO Dayton colour screen... I have operating s/w ver 5.0 and my local Spanish Citroen dealer said that system disk is an old version.....
How can I get an updated system disk ?...anything on the web ?

cheers Paul

09.06.2009 16:46 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661331
City: Olomouc, Car: Toyota C-HR 1.8HSD , Espace V 1.6DCi, C6 2,2HDiPosts: 6541

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maibe beter try update navi to fw version 8..this is last edition..version 5 i very old

09.06.2009 17:09 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661336
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
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Hi Me again.......
I forgot to mention i will test the GPS co-ordinates against a good GPS to see if it shows any errors...
Also... I cannot read any foreign language posts......can that be changed so I can try to read them ?

10.06.2009 12:42 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661357
City: Praha, Car: Posts: 1827
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Go to user profile/system settings and turn on international posts and posts from other languages.

For system update try to download this file: .link. , burn it at slowest speed at CDR medium and then ty to update your VDO system.

good luck

10.06.2009 18:39 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661358
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
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Hi Tief

Thanks for this...
I am trying to burn the file with clone cd...but I get an error...'access violation' what other programme should I use to burn the CD ?
There are 4 files...
a text file saying use clonecd
a .ccd file
a .sub file
an .img file


10.06.2009 19:40 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661360
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
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Hi All
I tried using nero to burn the .img file... but that didnt work .
I am not sure if I should burn more than that 1 file ?
Clone CD gives an error of Access Violation...and looking at CloneCD gives no information as to why that is...

Re co-ordinates of where I am in relation to where my GPS says I am... the car says :
Satelite reception =1
Longitude = 13'54'29'80 E
Latitude = 51'53'0'10 N

But according to Google.... Madrid is at :
Longitude 3'41 W
Latitude 40'25 N

So this proves that my vdo dayton gps is NOT reading the correct co-ordinates...
I dont know if it could be an aerial problem ?

thanks again to all of you for your assistance

11.06.2009 11:24 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661373
City: Olomouc, Car: Toyota C-HR 1.8HSD , Espace V 1.6DCi, C6 2,2HDiPosts: 6541

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you use *.IMG file to burn
for burn use lile NERO,Alcohol120 or Clone CD

aditional files when inside is Clone CD files (sub canal data,TOC and etc info) not important

12.06.2009 14:23 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661401
City: Madrid, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HPi ExclusivePosts: 9
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I'm afraid that the burning process although it said completed successfully with Nero...the CD was rejected by the VDO Dayton unit.
Do you know where I can buy a new system disk ?...ver 8 or an alternative location to try to download ?

13.06.2009 18:16 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661410
City: Piestany, Car: Citroen C6 2.7HDiPosts: 17331

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i have spoken to one guy who got syscd v. 3 and he told me that the cd in pc looks like there is nothing on it

i let him download this version and test it and than let you know ....
i dont have navi in my car

13.06.2009 18:25 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 661411
City: Piestany, Car: Citroen C6 2.7HDiPosts: 17331

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last thing the guy sayd is - use CloneCD for burning ( .link. ) - slow speed (minimum that burner got in nero) on some good quality CD - didnt specified - so try at last 3 types of CDR media

ok, he told another thing - files dont have same name - rename them to one name
like vdo.img; vdo.sub etc ...

ok, last what he says - CD is working, i upgraded my VDO, only thing i did was renaming the files before burning

here it is repacked: .link.

16.01.2013 17:04 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 2539423
City: Indjija, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HDi ExlusivePosts: 2
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Hi, i have Citroen C5 2003 2.0 HDI Exclusive ( I ), and same software as kellyweb, RT2, VDO...

Is version 8 latest version, because when i inserted cd, version on car and on cd are same version?

Is there anyway to play mp3?

16.01.2013 22:58 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 2539532
City: Piestany, Car: Citroen C6 2.7HDiPosts: 17331

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8 is last version

and no way to play MP3, slow CPU - VDO is very old system (something like 486 DX4 100)

18.01.2013 09:41 - Re: Sat Nav - Shows incorrect location [1000km from where I am] 2539807
City: Indjija, Car: Citroën C5 I 2.0HDi ExlusivePosts: 2
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ok, thx for reply

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